The increase in power. The power of a man and how to increase the power. Problems of power
The power of a man. Problems of power.
The power is the ability to act, the ability to produce and create.
In a more restricted sense, power is the ability to exercise a real man - the satisfaction of a woman, the conception of children. Also, regular sexual life, which is possible only if full power has a revitalizing effect on the body as a whole. The sexual life improves circulation, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all the systems of life. Afterwards the man appears to be in a good mood, confidence in your own ability.
For all time of existence of mankind powerful, the power, the capacity of men to continue his race, to be the father of a family considered one of the greatest benefits bestowed by the nature. For the majority of men increase the potency and normal sex life is considered to be one of the main criteria for its utility. And in our time, the time of fiction, with progress in science and technology, each tries to realize his spiritual and physical potential, strives to ensure, without which it is difficult to honestly call quite healthy and happy. Potency problems, inability the full sexual life is, perhaps, one of the most powerful emotional trauma for men. A strong image and of body and of spirit, of a man with a powerful potency sung in many classical works of different nations, cultures, and times. The doctors describe the power with the help of some indicators, in a different way by describing the desire of the stronger sex to the intimate life. First of all, the power of a man, is the power and thrust of the libido. So the power, quality and duration of the erection, and also the duration most loving act. And, finally, that it is very important, powerful, the power is the time after which a man can still be able to be in close relationship with the woman he loved.

All of these indicators may be strong, medium, weak, or absent. But helpless can only be called a man, who has neither the desire nor erection nor ejaculation. And this is more or a baby, or dead. So that the man can complain only of difficulties in his love life, but the word is impotent can not eat.
Impotent men we do not have. Problems of power and only - and is not a reason to use this ugly word. Difficulties - yes, maybe, but in 99% of cases these difficulties can be overcome. The efforts of doctors, caring loving wife, their own actions can solve problems of power quality and quick. The attitude towards the man, the strength of the story is changed. So, the ancient greeks was the god of masculine power. Its depicted as a standing man with a disproportionately large symbol of manhood. A companion mandatory deity was a small god, corresponded to the prostate - a organ in male potency. Not for nothing that the greeks called the prostate the second heart of a man.
What determines the power, why is one "disgusting", while others consider that they be cut off? From one side, a sort of man of power is provided in the body of nature. In the same way as there are people stronger or fast, durable or light, and the potency of each person initially depends on the physical constitution. However, as it is able to prove himself a man in the full strength of his reserve, or half, depends on where it is grown, and with which it communicates.
Of course, increase the potency and rise above the natural limit can not nobody, but physically strong, healthy men are more likely to show good results in bed at any age. Poor health, alcohol, drug abuse, excessive smoking, obesity - all this does not allow you to manifest from the nature of a good power. Unfortunately, men often tend not to pay attention to your health, until the process does not go far and you will not need a serious medical intervention. The power of a man depends on almost every the diseases, not only related to the sexual system - kidneys, genitals, a prostate, endocrine system. After all any indisposition forces the person to focus on the pain, think of possible complications, and not of pleasure. Of course, if a person is something ill for many years, there is nothing to do. But, with what tenacity ourselves undermining its health! Alcohol and smoking accompany us with the youth and the pentecost do not improve health, and thus the power. Reluctance to go to the doctors also difficult treatment to follow-up. The occupational hazards on the job - in general beach many modern men and women.
In the list of candidates for the reduced potency, in the first place, perhaps you can put motorists and drivers. Constant shaking on a dirt road leads to the interruption of blood circulation in the genitals, inflammation of the prostate, and then and loss of erections and desire. There are simple ways to reduce shaking when you are driving in the car, but they ignore it.
In addition, despite numerous warnings, drivers very close contact with gasoline. Even if it is not explicitly the poisoning of the body, the contact of the gasoline vapor in the blood dramatically reduces the sexual ability of a man. Strongly to risk lovers of winter fishing, sitting on ice; "walruses", workers of hot shops, miners, sailors and many, many others. Practically, every man, hoping in a state of concern, you need to take a look at the work and determine what can threaten his health in general and power in particular.

How to increase the power. The recovery of power
The emergence of new drugs and supplements that promise a power increase, gives new hope, but promises new complications. Advertisements such as: "the remedy against all types of impotence promises everything but gives nothing. Causes of reduced power is different and a care for all of them is not correct. Each tool has its indications and contraindications.
The male hormones, often applied to men in an uncontrolled way and in large doses, can lead to the fact that their hormones will stop producing, and of a man to develop the condition, as if castrated. The list could continue, but the important thing is that even the best medicine doesn't help, if used in the correct manner.
The best remedy to increase the potency of the substances normalizing the general health. Multivitamins, small doses of biostimulators, the treatment of chronic diseases, the exercise, and the hardening is a path for the recovery of power. Because now the medicine is being rebuilt with the treatment of already developed diseases in their opinion. There was a lot of money to improve the quality of life of not only patients, but also in practically healthy people. You can choose a multivitamin respectively to their needs - with an increased content of calcium or magnesium, iron or fluoride. Biostimulants type of ginseng, eleuthero root, golden, schisandra, etc. has long been used for the power gain and the general metabolism. But the power is a common part of the life of the organism and improve the general well-being will respond positively and intimate life. Unfortunately, often biostimulants drink in large doses, leading to sleep, lightning, over-stimulation. Normal doses - 5 - 10 drops 2 - 3 times per day for 2 - 3 weeks.

A fun way to increase the power offered to ancient chinese physicians. They have advised to speak with his member to get in contact with him, as if it were live, input from men. Before going to sleep and in the morning, immediately after waking up, still half asleep, a man plays with his penis, a bit of caresses, crumples it and caresses him, putting on him the care, pity him and harmony for a better future. In these lessons quickly enough erection occurs, which does not need to keep on with the force - how long did it last, much and well. Sometimes the erection will improve, confidence will return to the male. Well, if the man makes his beloved woman effect occurs even faster.
The same is true for the treatment that the doctors refer to marital sex therapy. Under the guidance of a physician partners learn to behave during times of intimacy, full of revealing his feelings, desires, opportunities. A man and a woman learn to handle one another, help each other, take care of each other. This approach to the proximity of the bases of great power for years to come.
Increased dependence on women fully feel men over the age of 60 - 70 years left alone and that entering a new marriage. The age-related changes of potency, a new, up to when a woman not identified, understandable excitement, a break in the intimate life - all this and much more leads to a failure, the loss of self-confidence. And in the meantime, for women (especially the elderly), the care and affection from men much more important than his sexual abilities.
Perhaps he has and will not need intimacy, especially if she was alone, lately. Maybe it will make some effort to normalize the sentimental life, you need it. Perhaps, and the man himself, feeling confidence to a new wife, reassured, by accessing a certain pattern of relationships, you get to normal. A lot of options. The main thing - to be mutually patient and don't lose hope.